Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Bigger Picture

This past weekend we were blessed to have Joel Rosenberg come and share with us at Calvary Tucson. Joel taught on current events in the world, specifically the Middle East, and how they relate to Biblical prophecy concerning the end times.
As a girl who wants to keep her eyes on the skies, I was so encouraged to keep looking up, for surely our redemption draws nigh!
I love this about God: He is intimately involved in the details of our lives. So personal and tenderhearted a God is He. Encouraging us to cast Him our cares, and carrying us when we feel we can’t go on.
But, He is the KIng of the Universe! He speaks and the oceans rage or calm. He spins each brilliant star into place, as it performs its role in His majestic theater of the heavens.
He will one day return for us, His bride. whisking us away from the time of tribulation to safety, in the place He has prepared for us. When that seven years is completed, He will return to earth with us, to rule and reign in righteousness for a thousand years. And there’s more! After this, we will experience the new heavens and new earth in which we will be with Him forever and ever. Truly from the time you invited Him into your life, HIs promise remains eternally steadfast -“I will never leave you or forsake you.” Hebrews. 13:5
This is only the beginning of our adventure with Him.
He has you and your concerns in mind for certain. The details are what make the image interesting. If the mountains had no rocks, trees, flowers and shrubs, their landscape would be flat. Those varying shadows, soft leaves and rugged edges are what create a stunning picture of depth and beauty.
He is spinning all the loose threads of your life and mine into a masterful tapestry that will declare His power, love and faithfulness to all, in the gallery of eternity.
So, let’s keep daily being faithful in the “small” things, which one day will be perfectly appointed pixels in His bigger picture!
"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."- Jesus 
John 14:1-3
*My endoscopy with biopsy is set up for Thursday morning at 8:00. They will be using general anesthesia this time. ..:) 
As one friend commented on the blog a few days ago, “Warrior princesses are hard to subdue.” Ha!
I appreciate your prayers! Much love in Him-Lisa


  1. MARANATHA LORD....come quickly!

  2. Praying!

    Hosanna in the Highest!

  3. Keeping our eyes on the bigger picture keeps us going during this trial. It's all about Him and how He wants to use these vessels He created for His glory. Keep going strong Lisa.

